Placing A Buddha Statue At Home To Attract Luck And Success
Placing A Buddha Statue At Home To Attract Luck And Success
The popularity of Buddhism stems from a state of tranquillity and calmness among practising Buddhists. And yet, you don’t have to be one to experience the stability and peace a Buddha statue can bring. It is said that having a Buddha statue at home can purify the mind, help you overcome negative emotions and enhance positivity in your space.
You can have these beautiful elements by getting a Buddha statue for your home and all the benefits that come with the positive vibes Buddha brings. . However, the question that often arises is: where to keep the Gautama Buddha statue at home?. Feng Shui and Vastu, both ancient sciences, talk about the exact placement of these Buddha statues at home to optimize the flow of vital energy and bring a positive aura among those who are around it. Since certain placements of the Buddha statue are considered disrespectful by Buddhists, it’s important to know a few general rules of placing buddha statues at home.
The Dos and Don’ts of Placing a Buddha Statue at Your House
- Like with all other idols in your pooja room, the Buddha statue shouldn’t be placed on the floor.
- The Buddha statue should always be placed higher than all other essential objects in the room.
- If the statue were to be placed on a shelf, you should ensure that it isn’t cluttered with other objects of lesser importance.
- It would be best if you didn’t place a Buddha statue in the bedroom or your bathroom.
- The surrounding area around the statue should always be kept sparkling clean. Burning a candle or some incense sticks would be an excellent way to purify the air surrounding it.
As per Feng Shui, you won’t gain the full benefits from the sanguinity until you place the statue in the correct location.
Where Should You Place Your Buddha Statue?
A Buddha statue is synonymous with peace and good luck, but to reap the benefits, you’ll need to ensure that the right energy flows through your house. So, here are some of the best places to keep your Buddha statue.
1. Let the statue face the entrance of the door
The protection Buddha(or the blessing Buddha), which has one hand raised, is ideally placed at the front door of your house to bring positive vibes when you enter. It’s said to repel any opposing force that wants to enter the house.
2. Keep the Buddha in your prayer room
The meditation Buddha exudes calmness and peace with both eyes usually half-closed. It should be placed in your meditation room where you can fully collect yourself and be free from external disturbances.
3. Set it in the living room
Create a zen space in your living room with a protection Buddha which can be a fantastic way to break the ice with your guests and also generate warmth, protection and removal of fear.
4. Place it in the garden
You might want to sit in your garden to relax with a book or two and coffee, and placing the reclining Buddha here would be a great way to heighten this soothing atmosphere further. An ideal spot for this could perhaps be the corner of your garden.
5. Make it one with your yoga practice
If you place a Buddha statue in a dedicated spot where you do your yoga or meditation, it will boost your mood and help your balance better. Make sure to always keep the figure at your eye level so you can easily spot it even when you’re in the seated position.
With Buddha around, you’ll be able to encourage harmony into your home, along with your hard work, patience, and perseverance. If you’re wondering where to buy a Buddha statue online, do reach out to us at Tesor World. We’re looking forward to helping you create the home of your dreams!
At Tesor World, we have an exclusive range of Buddha idols to place in different parts of your home. Visit tesorworld.com or drop a message on WhatsApp at +91 98860 48525 for the best selection of brass Buddha statues online, in Bangalore and across India.